French press: This is a popular coffee machine where ground coffee is mixed with hot water and then pressed down with a filter. This method allows the coffee grounds to separate and gives a rich taste.
Filter coffee machine: These machines are widely used and easy to use. The ground coffee is placed in the filter and the hot water drips through the coffee, collecting in the jug.
Espresso machine: Espresso machines make concentrated coffee by forcing hot water through coffee grounds under high pressure. These machines make it possible to prepare various coffee drinks based on espresso.
Aeropress: It is portable and easy to use. Ground coffee is mixed with water and the resulting mixture is pressed through a filter. The result is concentrated coffee with a rich taste.
Capsule coffee machine: These machines use coffee capsules that contain pre-ground coffee. The machine pierces the capsule and quickly prepares a cup of coffee.
Mocha pot: This is a traditional Italian coffee maker where hot water passes through the steamed coffee and condenses in the pot.
Turkish coffee maker (Ibrik): The Turkish coffee pot or coffee maker is designed for making extra finely ground coffee. In a coffee maker, water and coffee are heated under low heat and then the sediments are allowed to settle.
Cold press coffee machine: They are specially designed for making cold coffee, where the ground coffee is soaked in cold water for a long time.